
Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Day After Christmas

By Adam Majewski

Minneapolis, MN- Jesus Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him(PBUH) is and was a messenger Allah Subhana Wa'Tala(SWT) This is agreed upon by all Muslims around the world. He was one of many along a long line of messengers sent by Allah(SWT). Christmas in it's original form for our true Christian Brothers and Sisters is a big deal, how ever many of us as Muslims don't understand why or what it's originally being celebrated.

Originally and still to day what true Christmas is, is Christ's Mass(PBUH). A religious observance which does not celebrate that Christ is, was or ever will be Allah. What it originally celebrated was the birth of Jesus(PBUH), the fact of which he was sent to us as a Messenger from Allah(SWT). Many Christian's today have lost the religious observance of this holiday and when they see older generations going to mass on this day they say "Why? Christmas is mainly about spending time with family and being thankful for the time to see them! It's not about the religious views!"

What is wrong with this view is that they don't see that Christmas in it's truest form, is all about the religious belief and practice. We as Muslims are also to blame for perpetuating false views on why Christmas is celebrated. These beliefs are mainly to blame due to capitalistic views which put religion in a poor light. As well puts wealth and materialism as a priority when it shouldn't be

Christmas, like Ramadan is to celebrate the teachings which Allah(SWT) sent to us through his Prophets(PBUT). It is also to keep in remembrance Allah(SWT) himself and no one else. The Quran does not forbid us as Muslims from Celebrating Christmas as long as we keep Allah(SWT) as priority. We how ever can't celebrate it on December 25. This is due how ever, to the simple fact that by celebrating it on that day makes it Shirki, if we as Muslims celebrate it as a religious holiday we need to do so 10 days after the 25th of December, because of it's meaning if not celebrated on it's proper day.

As many may think that this article may be on trying to get Muslims to celebrate Christmas, it must be said that the meaning behind these few words is that it's not meant to be that way. It is just to give clarity and understanding that by demonizing fellow brother's and sister's for spending time with family on a holiday such as this because maybe some of their family is some denomination of christian what does this truly say about us as a religious group. All it does is say that we are two face narrow minded and are willing to jump to conclusions about what is really going on with out asking questions and seeking knowledge. This also, takes away from Allah(SWT). It say's that we are allowed to judge others for their actions even though it is only Allah(SWT) is the only one that passes judgement. Some may not agree with this view, but all that is asked is think about it with an open heart and mind that's all, In Shaa Allah.